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The Examinations of Dante

Triptych based on the Divine Comedy by Dante Aligeri 


Inferno, 2023, terra-cotta, 41x28x22"

Description: King Minos, the connoisseur of sin, is depicted with enlarged senses (eyes nose, tung, ears).  He sorts sinners with his tail.  Paulo and Franchesca are being tossed by the wind.  Dante faints from guilt after hearing Franchesca’s story of lust (Canto 5). Virgil leads Dante onto Franchesca’s back, foreshadowing the ride of Geryon in (Canto 17). The landscape is built with textures that evoke the hostile rock landscape along the path that descends into the Malebolge.



Purgatorio, 2023, terra-cotta, 41x25x23"  

Description: St Lucia, appears eagle-like to carry Dante to the gates of Purgatory.  An Angel of God inscribes the seven P’s of sin on Dante’s forehead (Canto 9). Virgil girds Dante with a new belt of reed and grass as a part of cleansing after exiting from hell (Canto 1).  Oderisi is carrying his stone of artistic pride (Canto 11). Sins are purged along the path up the mountain to the Terrestrial Paradise where the tree of knowledge is in spring bloom (Canto 32).

Paradiso, 2023, terra-cotta, 45x27x25"

Paradiso: Beatrice presents Dante for examination by St. Peter (Canto 23).  Dante passes his exam and is circled three times with approval by St. Peter, while Dante holds his coin of faith (Canto 24).  A congregation of souls outlines the Eagle of Justice (Canto 18). Cacciaguida embodies the best of Florentine culture as he strides through architecture (Canto 15).  The heavenly spheres rise toward the Empyrean. 

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